Meet Diego! Hes a sexy young r

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Diego Ii
Ryan Jordan
Amateurs Anal Hardcore Military

Meet Diego! Hes a sexy young recruit who, so far, has done a little experimenting with other dudes, but comes to us hoping to jump into the line of fire and REALLY get his cock wet! And once the underwear come off, WOW!! Diego is packing some serious heat. His enormous dick is charged up and ready for action. Claude starts out low and tight as Diego gets things started, using both hands to stroke his oily cock up and down. Diego takes advantage of all the space he needs on the black leather couch, sprawling his legs out, exposing to a nice little taste of his ass. Then we have Diego standing up, really letting his greased-up erection stretch out. Claude gets the down-low from down low. Diego gets back on the couch to finish up, kicking his legs up this time to get ready to spray his load. But as he jerks his hard meat, we hear a knock at the door. Claude realizes it must be ol Ryan Jordan, so he invites Ryan in and explains to Diego that hes about to meet a fellow recruit unexpectedly.

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